Olivia Chu

Okay, I'm so tired right now-I havn't slept at all yet and drank a cup of coffee and as we all know, coffee makes me dead tired. But I gotta get this off my chest.

It must be said. I can't stand to keep quiet anymore.
Oh no, I cannot.


ARGH! I've been googling pictures for Naruto in general and for him in sage mode and BOOM! I keep running across pages and pages of Naruto and Hinata together and this dumb name combo thing that Hollywood is so fond of- "Naruhina". NO! NO! NO!

I don't care if she FINALLY admitted to him that she loved him (cuz all that fainting wasn't a SIGN or anything) but ARGH! ARGH!

I would love it if at the end Sakura finally said okay to Naruto that'd be awesome. Fiery personality + fiery personality = burn, baby, burn! It'd also be awesome if she really wound up with Sasuke-I got no problem with that. Naruto could turn gay, could make that kiss with Sasuke more, or even like Ino for some reason but NOT HINATA!

Simply put. I don't like her. Yeah her power is cool, yeah she really is training to fight.
But I don't like meek girls. I don't like girls who faint every time. I don't like meek voices (man this rant sounds famiilar....). I don't like just the whole meek thing that's totally emphasized! I mean I HATE it; but then again I was never one to remain meek myself.

Yes sometimes I'm shy and quiet but THAT doesn't mean inside I'm totally like a wimp! I dunno! It's just the way she's portrayed that makes me soooo mad. Maybe it's because I'm like is this what guys want huh?! Some little fragile thing they have to protect? To take that shy girl and pull her out of her esteem issues?!
Oh no but that's cool cuz she's got more T n A than Sakura.

If that's the case then I could never keep my man and then couldn't EVER get one!


AAAAAAAAAAARGH! If Kishimoto pulls through and Hinata's his girl I'm gonna smash my fist through a wall. Or a KICK! HIYAH!

I respect you as a writer man! Just, c'mon don't pull for the obvious! Where are your turns and twists?! *sob* KISHIMOTO! Just don't do it! I'm begging ya for all the other girls who know that girls who are like Sakura (ONLY when she finally gets into the Shipudden series) is great (although they COULD be a lot better you know when Major battles ensue...)
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