Olivia Chu

I'm going to post more later tonight because I have a lot to say but I just want to put up this video. It's one of my favorite songs from AWESOME Jay Chou (I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE FAN)! I'm trying to learn the lyrics but uh chinese isn't easy for me at all.

It's a weird music video but I'm not going to lie; the sparkles on the instruments made me sooo happy! Such a cheasy but my favorite effect!

Here are the English translations (its such a sweet song!!!)


This creeping smile embraces the hills
The streams sing songs with the wind
I am like a countryside poet explaining the life in front of my eyes
The wheat fields stoop and lower their heads fishing for tenderness, the whole valley is a flute player
I am speechless listening to the legends following the fairy tales

The windmill in the distance
Tells me from a far distance
That happiness in deep autumn
Is fully reaped
The corner of the old warehouse
We are counting
A hemp bag of love and happiness
The colour of first love

I hold your hand passing by
The hillside growing maltose
The fragrant and thick temptation
Your cheeks are slightly hot
Aspirating into my ears
Picking thoroughly ripened maltose
When I wake up I’m still smiling
Hands have become sticky
My whole mouth
Is full of candy

I hold your hand passing by
The hillside growing maltose
Sweetness all around
I lower my head in shyness
Our happy dream walk
I am on the meadow drinking
Wine brewed from maltose
The tender
I really wanted to
Take another bite

I love you

My whole mouth
Is full of candy
I really wanted to
Take another bite
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