Olivia Chu

I had no idea what to post today and then I totally got sidetracked IMing and watching Howl's Moving Castle...(which I absolutely adore! Although my favorite Miyazaki film is still Castle in the Sky)

So Okay how about this?

I decided to write a novel in 31days.
Yep, you read right.

My goal is 50,000 words by the end of beginningish of February. I'm not starting till January though, because it turns out I need a week for preparation time but I'm very very excited.

I picked up a book called "No Plot? No Problem!" by Chris Batey, you know the founder of Nanowrimo and as I flipped through it I thought huh, this is entirely plausablie. Only dedicating about what? 1-2hours of work a night or every other night etc? Of course! OF COURSE!

Not only that but its a pretty nice New Years Resolution yeah?
I'm trying to cultivate discipline and focus in my life--two things I tend to lack.

With that I'm also completing, The Artists Way by Julia Cameron (and this time I mean it!).  I also found copies of her other works like "Vein of Gold" and "Walking in the World" so I'm like neato!

I think everyone creative should check these out if they're in the slumps as I have been feeling for the past year. I knew it was bad when the mere mention of someone else doing artwork sparked an intense jealously. And since I tend to want to fix stuff on my own-as to not let others see my failings-I really like these books. I just need a cheerleading squad to keep me on track!

Niiiiick I'm counting on you! Well I forgot to mention it in our previous conversations but if you're a true homie then you'll end up reading this in the morning at work or something so ^^.

Anyways, I gotta start researching for my book-I only have 7days to do it. No biggie but you know...
2 Responses

  1. Olivia Chu Says:

    ???Eh? Skittles...? Did you get a blog too?

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