Olivia Chu

OKAY! So, remember how I posted I was obssessed with Naruto. Now it's offically bad.
Get this, yesterday night I was very, very very angry-I won't go into details after all there's some stuff that shouldn't be posted no matter how awesome blogging is-so I went to the library and then Borders, that awesome bookstore. I figured that maybe they'd have something fun there like a Naruto sticker or something from Tokidoki (because I LOVE Tokidoki! Adios all teh way man!).

Well I dance towards the manga section (that song Dopamine from Mflo Loves Emiyl is so RAW) curious to see how many Naruto volumes are out and see if I can catch up from where I left off and I see TONS of anime stuff for like Deathnote, Soul Eater, Bleach etc right.

After notcing that they were on volume 46 for Naruto I quickly did the math and was like yeeeeeeah I'll stick to the free anime, this will cost WAY too much I wandered over to see if that had Saiyuki. NONE. I think i'll need to order new volumes online, that sucks! Anyways I look up right and what do I spy with my little eye?

A shiny, one of those trippy movable, Naruto Shippuden notebook. Right on the stand and I just see it and almost squealed in delight. BUT I DIDN"T. Cuz I was an alone Asian girl, listening to an Ipod, looking real badass and after all with that kind of cool I'm so hip I gotta a rep to protect so I just greedily snatched that book even though I was thinking I might not get this, 4.99 for 80pages is kind of a ripoff. And then I spot a Naruto pencil sharpener 2.99 and took that but was thinking you know I bought a quality 4buck pencil sharper for my HB pencils already this seems like overkill....

AND THEN! I spot the best thing ever! Lights shown down on this item. Earlier that day I decided that I wanted to put up a Naruto poster  near my desk just to remind me of all my aspirations. I figured one of my earlier Shonen Jump had a poster of it-I can't imagine it was just DBZ but I was gonna search for it later cuz it's 4years worth of Manga.

Naruto Wall graphic. 'nuff said!
Its huge!!!! HUGE! and resuable?! AND its Naruto doing his Rasengan?! AND its ONLY 20.00?! I'm IN! So I take that and debating whether or not to get the Sasuke one too but I figured I'm not a big fan on him really so naw I'm good.

So I put the pencil sharperner back cuz it was unnecassry and I look for Naruto pens because I KNOW they must have them. They had Deathnote pens and such. I couldn't find them, only crappy pencils and im like Naw. Well! I was looking at Negima pen set wondering what that anime is, when I have a feeling I should just pick up the one behind it. I figured it was just gonna be another Negima one but I was like whaaatever and guess what I find?

The only set of Naruto pens there! I was like WTH?! AWESOME! But then my heart broke. Gel pens. I DESPISE gel pens. I hate the way they write, its so aggravating! Especially the glittery ones-don't get me wrong I used to love them back in middle school but now, nah. And then I look at the price. 6.99 for like 6 gel pens! I was like NO THANK YOU.

I found a Naruto DS Lite skin too and almost bought it. BUT i didn't because I don't play my DS often. After all I only have ONE game for it because I can't find Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, or Phoenix Wright Ace attorney for a decent price.

I'm excited. I have no idea where I'm gonna put this wall graphic up. My wall next to my desk is covered with the limited edition Tekken 6 2010 calenders, a Legend of Zelda poster, a Devil May Cry4 poster, and my whiteboard of tasks to do.

OH! And another awesome thing! In the library right, I found a copy of The Boondock comics I haven't read yet! I mean I already read like Public enemy #1 and the Right to be Hostile but not this one, it's "Because I know you don't read the newspaper". I finished reading it last night and I was laughing so hard it hurt. I've got this persisting dry cough that now gives me headaches and laughing too hard gives me headaches too.

But Riley is PRICELESS. And Huey! and Grandad! OMG too many of the strips to name that made me laugh sooooo hard and it makes me want to watch my copies of The Boondocks although I misplaced season 1. That sucks! I'm such a fan! My cousin keeps insisting season 3 is coming out soon but I'm like NOT SOON ENOUGH.

But it' cool. I have the Venture brothers to tide me over-although I keep missing all the new episodes for season 4. That and Metalacolypse (I don't think that's how you spell it).

Hee. I love cartoons. 'nuff said. <(^o^)>
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