Olivia Chu

So here's a comic page. I dunno if I'm going to stick with it-it took me awhile to draw so either I'm rusty or need to practice more.
I'm excited though and just wanted to post this asap!

I'm going to create the character bios so I can post them too so you know who these guys are. *hint one is an awesome greek god!*

Did you guys read about that one website that only allow beautiful people to join and in order to join ppl need to say okay to ur uploaded pics within 24hours? And did you hear that they kicked off like 5000 people because they let themselves go during the holidays?
And how the founder of the site was saying that they can't let 'fatties roam the site'. I admire that at least in the interview he says they're elitest and lookist-at least they're honest but I can't agree with the whole idea of that website.

I know that myself would never make it in that site due to their standards but it's just so angryfiying how people allow themselves to be judged by others as far as if they're 'lovable' or beautiful. And believe me I know what it's like to be considered ugly and not lovable--oh believe me on that.

But you know what? I grew up. Beauty is in everything! And it comes in all shapes and sizes and forms. In fact, I think to figure out who you are and then not back down from it and just be the shining light that we all are; now that's beauty.

But I remember how hard it was to keep reminding myself that when I saw everyone else so happy.
I think this music video sums it up about what I believe; man I just chills watching it again (with English subs! yeah!).

BTW, I think Miku is absolutely adorable! I love his hair! I love this band!

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1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    when have you been considered ugly or not lovable?

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