Olivia Chu

I was walking and hit me what to do-now I just need to draw it yeah? Haha.
But I must confess to this...

Okay so get this.
I had to go to Walmart to get a plunger right cuz SOMEBODY (not me!) in this apartment had to clog the toilet and break the plunger before. I tried that whole soap and warm water trick-yeah didn't quite work. And I thought bubbles were gonna be everywhere!

Anyways, on my way walking to Walmart-because I hate driving in Walmart parking lots (FREAKING RIDICULOUS!) I pass by a F.Y.E store. Well I go in just wondering what's new and I make a beeline towards the anime section right.

Congrats to me for NOT buying that Naruto Keychain or the shinobi leaf belt buckle. Omg, I almost got it and I wanted to cry. I'm like IM SUCH A NERD! I mean, I have a legend of zelda triforce belt buckle but that's because my cousin gave it to me and of course how could I decline such an offer?

I was rushing out of there when BOOM! My eye hit the item glowing on the shelf. It was sparkling! It was beckoning me and I justified the purchase. After all in my head were the words of Chris Batey that we should have something that totally transports us and lets us know we're in a different world. Some people have like 1800s gloves, some have viking hats, me. I have this.

This that says, I ain't taking no for an answer. You don't want ta be gamblin' witcha health by messin' with me. THIS! THIS is the symbol of awesomeness-of dedication! Only superiors are allowed to be part of this-if you ain't someone you ain't nothing!!!

And what did I get?

An Akatsuki snuggie.

I'M SO ASHAMED but at the same time I'm not.
It's the oddest feeling.
I know these things look so stupid and it's like worse if you thrown on Naruto Shippuden merchandise on it but I can't resist being elated!
Plus, I can't handle the cold. I'm a desert child-I can stand the heat no problem. 100degrees? Tch, that's nice. But if its 71degrees I'm freezing-I'm gone. And my boyfriend likes to be cheap and not have the heat on. So I'm in a snugge, with a Kingdom Hearts Raschel (yes I bought that awhile ago), with a superhero Hello kitty raschel on top of that.

Now I can't feel the cold so much I can enjoy my coke (and COKE only! Pepsi's not the same!)

On the plus side I decided to post a youtube video more frequently about songs that are awesome-just for mine and your enjoyment. I've got a WIDE range of music I love so maybe you'll find something you like too.
Enjoy-I'm gonna continue sitting here wrapped in my new snuggie.

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