Olivia Chu

So I gotta a lot to post. I may put two posts up today so I don't have this SUPER LONG one. But. okay

I was browsing yesterday about....something. I dunno I was Google-ing a lot like on quantum physics theory (Schrodinger's cat is by far the most interesting to me), greek mythology vs Christianity, picture books for older people, how to write for comics, Eros, ooh sport body armor ..but Okay I went to Creative Uncut and just randomly chose Dawn of Mana and BOOM!

I love those renders and concepts. I was like say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? That character Keldy is beautiful! I love the colors, I defintealy like the style, and I LOVE how you can tell he's all about nature. The wooden shoes, the vines on his arms-the bow I saw in one of the renders, intricate wood but still very primal looking. I love his little feather dealie on his head. And the half shirt-oh yes makes me giggle because I think of Sai.

So now I need to find more pictures and hopefully play the game. A ps2 game shouldn't cost too much so...I'm just worried about gameplay. There's plenty of games out there with beautiful art to me but I can't play because I hate the mechanics of it. Fail on the fun factor. Haha.

I love stylize games many times just because it's quite easy to get something looking real-I mean it's not EASY but if you can use like Mental ray in maya and stick a bump,spec, diffuse map on it-if you use photo references or if you're a painting guru you handpaint it or do a combo then it's like cool. But to me, it's like well it's so real it's kinda boring. So if you can make it look good as a particular style, I mean there's nothing really limiting you. So like Okami is amazing and Windwaker-oh IT'S SO CUTE! Spirit Tracks-must play!

I also found out that Nao Ikeda, the designer for Dawn of Mana characters is sub character designer for FFXIII characters. Personally I really like the way Maqui and Snow look like that she designed. Very awesome!

And while I was dabbling in Creative Uncut-I ran into Tales of Abyss characters-and OMG the red headed dude-half shirt and utterly adorable as a chibi. That artist apparently happens to be Fujishima, who was also the artist on Oh my Goddess, whom my friend said that his very awesome art was inspired by Alfonso Mucha, father of art noveau (and who happens to have very beautiful bowl/utensil designs). Crazy how stuff links up huh?! Haha.

On a practically unrelated note, I'm working on making this blog more artisy. So I'm working on my 'mascot' character I suppose. I don't have very good ones like akirceo does with his Miao Wafupafu one (LOVE his blog). But i realized that I really like characters with face paint or face tattoos. Like a lot. I'm like somethings missing and BOOM! face paint makes me happy on them. Hahaha.

So yes. I love Naruto in Sage mode! AAAAAAAAAGH he's so adorable! But on this drawing I found his pupils are oriented the wrong way. Still! He's cute! Way cute! Go artist!

More to post, but where to start? Aiyah....
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