Olivia Chu

Whoo! New years! Good stuff. 
Um, yeah got resolutions. Haven't quite hammered them out yet. Lol.
But I do know that I want to:
1. Make a webcomic for my blog rather than straight up writing. Maybe picture wise...? Sai is so AWESOME!
2. Write a novel in 31days
3. Get a Dahon Espresso foldable bike. OH yeeeesss that would be sweet. Maybe cash in my 401k or something....
4.Freaking complete the Artist way book and start on "How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci" by Michael J Gelb.
5. That's all I got so far. Hahaha.

Oh speaking of Sai, Sai is soooooo cool from Naruto Shippuden. I personally think its absolutely adorable he's trying to relearn emotions. ARGH made me so mad though because a couple years ago I thought about a character who had no emotions (due to a trauma) but he takes pills to supplement it and I thought oh that's so stupid it's never going to work. Its not believable. And here is Kishimoto who accomplished that.

Then it hit me. As a writer you gotta make the audience believe in that world it's possible. Lately I've been getting so hung up on the practicality of it like when I'm figuring out weapon designs, that I totally lose the idea. Weapon design, and mechanics etc aren't my forte and trust-it's hard to learn that stuff to wear I'm suffiencent in that field.

Anyways, Sai's jutsu is badass too! C'mon, drawing and BOOM it's coming to life?! That's awesome! I wish I had that. Other than that my only complaint about him is his clothes. I mean, wow, SCANDALOUS! I've never seen a shonen character get away with low riders before or a half shirt other than Benimaru from KOF. Haha but then again that's pretty funny.

Oh and Sakura's temper makes me laugh more and more. Favorite episode was when Sai is trying to think of nicknames for Sakura and Naruto-when comes up with "Ugly" he gets pounded. And when he recollects his mistake it's funny seeing it from 'his eyes' and how quick Sakura punched Naruto and then him! I'll try to find that part and post it! 

Just now, I finished watching like episode 6 of Flashforward. LOVE that show and it's so intense now! But it brought up an interesting idea that I want to research a bit further. What was this about Simon hitting on that chick and he was talking about understanding the basics of Quantum theory or what not?
That until the hand is open the cat is both simultaneously alive and dead and that the observer makes the final decision?

So I'm curious about these theories and how they're put into practice. I haven't started my research yet but I'm excited. After all, to me it sounds a lot like Tao-where things happen at the same time etc etc. All that spiritual stuff you know? But as much as I beleive that I also like science. The idea of philosophical ideas and science mixing together-working with each other like yin-yang, very cool.

I always wanted to be a scientist when I was little. But I honestly don't have that detailing mind-and I always did poor in math courses and hands on Lab courses (weird right? Everyone always looked at me funny-I'm like YO! Don't cheat off of me just because I'm Asian, doesn't mean I got all the right answers! lol).

Of course doing this research; always good for story ideas.
Speaking of!

Ever read "Guts" by Chuck Palunick (who happens to be the writer of Fight Club?). It's a pretty intense story. I was eating a burger and reading it; almost threw up. No joke. At the same time I was trying to hold back the vomit I was soooo happy and impressed! I love writers who can just SHOCK you with their words and especially with his. At the same time its like OMG it's so rhythmic. It really reminds me of Yu Hua-one of my top favorites-Past and the Punishments (read A World Like Mist) and tell me that he can't write!

They're a few of my literary heroes! So I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna do the same thing. Just forget that ANYONE can read my stories and just write what I want to write. In my stories I tend to hold back thinking, would people publish something this intense? But I want to write intense-I would totally want to read something like this if it's on shelves. In fact, I purposefully look for books like this. So. No holding back now.

You know the best thing too?! Chuck said so himself that "Guts" isn't even his most intense story that's coming out with his other collection. I'm like ALL RIGHT!!! I read it on his interview...I forgot to check the date so I don't know if the book is out yet or not. Haha.
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