Olivia Chu

And THANK YOU KISHIMOTO! So for the past two days I promised myself I would laze about the entire day without feeling guilty. AFter all I'm on a 3week break from school and as soon as it starts up again in January I really need to start cracking-well I'll be starting Monday on that but ANYWAYS, been watching Naruto and Naruto Shippuden the ENTIRE time.

I just stopped. I'm getting a bit dizzy but I've watched like over 5hours straight.... See I just finished Naruto (WHOOO!!!!) and got to Shippuden and of course I wanted to see how everyone looks like now so...yeeeah.... Okay so I'm at the part where Naruto is trying to rescue Gaara right (well Gaara SEEMS to be dead at the moment...) and I just watched Sakura punching the crap out of Sasori's puppets. Like annihilating them and I'm like YES!!! I wanna punch a boulder down that'd be so cool!

I had a feeling after she asked Tsunade that she'd become a medic ninja and become awesome but for some reason I didn't see the raw strength. AND i gotta say, I love it! She's not a wimp anymore-or not AS much (although i just KNOW it when they run into Sasuke again. What's so great about him anyways...? Things get a little too emo for me when he enters the picture). She's cool! And I'm like YEAH! So it got me wondering, as I am in an anime daze-how cool would it be to reinvent yourself?

Hulu likes playing those commercials with the Google engine and that Batman theme (which is funny), but yeah. Granted I couldn't ever punch through a boulder-a martial arts way of life isn't appealing to me but I do want to be able to bike 100miles. And I do want to possess endurance and strength like them all-not with fighting of course but more so for my art and writing. I'm working on learning Italian and since I can't seem to find any classes nearby teaching it I have to learn on my own-no small feat but interesting nonetheless.

I want to live with passion! After all that's what life is all about anyways. Reflecting back on when I had a nice state job, I just lived for the weekends and paid holidays. My school quarter shot by because of it and I couldn't enjoy creating my own characters in 3d. Or creating in general. And what frightened me was the depth of my envy towards EVERYONE else who was creative; it was a real hate that literally made me feel ill and tired all the time from suppressing my rage.

Enough of that.

I don't care what anyone says, man Naruto SHOWS you a path--that show is so amazing! Man, I want to be a creator of a manga that becomes such a kickass anime that literally brings you to tears or gets you amped about your life or passion, you know?

I'm armed with: The Artists Way of Life by Julie Cameron, Thinking like Leonardo Da Vinci by Michael J Gelb...I'm planning on finding a book on time management and goal setting and of course I'm becoming research on the Masters of art, beginning with Caravaggio (love those colors man!).

All i can say for myself now is; Buona fortuna (and I friggin' mean it). Hahahaha.

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