Olivia Chu

So I was rummaging around my apartment looking for my character drawings that I did a while back to model when I ran into an old manuscript of a story I wrote years ago. And I read it and thought hmm not half bad.

It's my story with Kinky and Fever (yeah I love those names combined!). I also stuck a rough sketch of them here too-I'm trying to find a new drawing style so I'm not entirely proud of this pic. It's weird too. When I'm just drawing whatever I don't care about proportions of the fact it's lopsided or anything cuz I'm like "eh just a sketch" I MUST BREAK THAT. I'm gonna put the prelude here so you can see-I'm so proud of myself.
I dunno maybe cuz I was retyping this last night-I somehow DON'T have the word .doc but I'm thinking, "wow real emo like..where's the joy?!" Haha.


Everything is a shade of grey as the rain pours down from the sky, slicing open dark clouds with its jagged rain drops. They hiss on the burning hot asphalt where the cars endlessly screech. it's humid. Oh so humid. Stepping out of a house is like being licked by a giant wet tongue. People smell. it's a horrible stench that deodorant nor perfume can mask. It makes it worse as people entering jostling crowds, ripe with BO.
It's raining on two sides of the world.
A beautiful apartment complex lies among one side; surrounded by the leafy green of vegetation and winding concrete staircases. Fancy lamplights illuminate the paved sidewalks that lead to the inner courtyard. A fountain dwells in the middle; a fountain with two leaping fish over the palace gates. The fountain is created out of imitation jade and the water sparkles a transparent purple from the fishes' mouths. Moving right along from there lies the apartments; each door painted a wondrous shade of chestnut. They're all under a continuous roof to shelter the people from the rain.
it's all so pretty...
Except for the right side.
A few meters away lies the mouth of an alley. all the garbage cans are lined up there; their metal shells painted a vomit green with splotches of brown rust on them like cancer. Flies buzz around their garbage kingdom, unperturbed by people who would never enter that alley if they had any shred of dignity.
There was always white fluid splattered like some weird abstract painting on those greasy walls. A painting worth selling for millions.
...at least a minimum fee of a hundred bucks per service.
But who would know?
Who would know unless they themselves had entered into the alley. Had seen the way the stinging rain drummed on the rusted garbage can lids. Had seen the way the rain makes everything seem like some hazy nightmare enclosed by filthy walls. Had seen a small boy cowering, naked on the rotting ground, crying but drowned out by thunder that impatiently grumbled overhead...
Rain falling everywhere, draping another part of the world, in a silk sheet. Leaves rattle on the branches of swaying trees while trembling under the crying wind.
Another apartment complex.
A robotic sense of beauty within this place. Every unit has crystal clear sliding doors leading out to a mini backyard or balcony. Each unit having their own sort of beauty; splotches of bright red flowers or purple here and there. There's also fancy lamp lights, glowing softly with dancing moths fluttering about them. Everything is so hazy looking out the wavy windows.
Ah...but inside unit #210 is a soft white glow of a flickering computer in on e room and in another...completely dark except for the occasional flashes of lighting brightening up the place through the window. A boy cowering near his bed, hands clapped firmly over his ears, tears streaming from his eyes as he cries...
Choked by the horrid stench of filthy brick walls...
Up. Down. Up. Down.
Flashes of bright lights and a clap of thunder.
Both are crying.
Salty tears mixed with the rain...
Salty tears mixed with the carpet flooring...
Screaming together in the dark...
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