Olivia Chu

Omg, just got scared. My phone went off with the song Namikaze Satellite which is WEIRD because my phone is off. Turns out it was my alarm but argh it was just like yesterday when I awoke and my ipod was blaring and I thought, "GHOST!" next thing I need is the Tv turning on by itself. NO THANKS!

Anyways, thought I'd go ahead and post my character that I finished for class. He needs a lot more work--I only have a diffuse map on him but I must have to say that for a nights worth of texturing he came out pretty badass. THAT'S RIGHT! The night before my final the original textures that i was painting weren't working out-I couldn't get the silk like look for Chinese clothes nor could I find cool patterns that would work without losing so much resolution. I had two choices. Either turn him in with textures that I spent weeks on but dissatisfied or just completely revamp his style to something a little more urban since jeans are easy and good looking. Of course revamping the textures didn't allow me to have time to put a bump map on him (Maya2009 is so weird about bump and normal maps) NOR did i get to make a specular map.

Oh! Btw, the decals and such on his armor aren't actually my drawings. I found free vector packs on the net (I forgot where! Sorry!!!) by typing in like "Chinese vector art" or something like that. Although now I want to create a slew of my own vector artworks like that--it's just that Illustrator is a tough program for me. Unlike Photoshop you can't exactly slap down some color and work with it. On the plus side, I'm WAAAAY better with the pen tool than ever.

Not only that but I had to freaking commando rig this guy so I could pose him which I've never do in Max or Maya and I didn't really skin him either so there's a bit of odd deformation which I tried to keep at a minimum by trying to do a pretty simple pose.

It was so funny though, because when I finally finished lighting him well enough to take a couple of renders I realized he looked like the freaking Crow. haha I hate those movies, except for the second one. That one's decent. I gotta make a new character and tidy this one up. S'what I'm planning to do during my 3week break but I'm not sure which one I'm going to focus on first--I have a ton of other art ideas at this moment but right now I think I'm gonna fire up the gamecube and either 1. Finish 'Tales of Symphonia' (which I haven't touched in YEARS, literally) 2. Play 'Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess' (I'm stuck in that stupid City in the Sky!!!)
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