Olivia Chu

Italian bad boy I swear! Actually he happens to be one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME; the way he uses his colors is soooooooo inspiring to me. In fact, there's this band I suppose u could say called, "ES Posthamus" that I fell in love with and their cover has this picture "ST Matthew and the Angel" painted by none other than Caravaggio himself. And I was wondering why I liked that painting so much! ES Posthamus, btw, is amazing! I loved the song "Elba" first then "Pompeii" then "Lepics Magna" and of course I nearly have all the songs so too many to name. But those are like the top songs i like.

I also happen to love Dragon Ash, like a soul music of Japan. I first heard the song "Garden" with Sugar Soul and Kenji from Dragon Ash and was like THIS dude has it!!! So now I have TONS of their music from "Just I'll Say" "Sunset" "Ivory" "Few Lights Till Night" "Union" EVERYTHING! Mix it with Soul'd Out "Starlight Destiny" Mix it with all of Mflo-come on "The Love Bug" "Come Again"! Heck even some Mflo and SEAMO! Throw in some Monkey Majik, "Open happiness" "Around the World" with a dash of the Yoshida Brothers "Change with Monkey Majik" "Storm T.M. remix" "Rising". A dash of The Shanghai Restoration Project "Farewall Sasha" "Miss Shanghai" Bennie K it up with "Sky"! AND top it off with all of Jay Chou "Nocturnes" "Ting mama de hua" "Simple love" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! You got the best recipe for relax inspiring songs! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE those songs and artists! No joke.

LISTEN TO THEM! THEY ARE GOOD! I'm such a fan girl too! I'd kill to see them all in concert!!!! Not literally but you all know what I mean.
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