Olivia Chu

And THANK YOU KISHIMOTO! So for the past two days I promised myself I would laze about the entire day without feeling guilty. AFter all I'm on a 3week break from school and as soon as it starts up again in January I really need to start cracking-well I'll be starting Monday on that but ANYWAYS, been watching Naruto and Naruto Shippuden the ENTIRE time.

I just stopped. I'm getting a bit dizzy but I've watched like over 5hours straight.... See I just finished Naruto (WHOOO!!!!) and got to Shippuden and of course I wanted to see how everyone looks like now so...yeeeah.... Okay so I'm at the part where Naruto is trying to rescue Gaara right (well Gaara SEEMS to be dead at the moment...) and I just watched Sakura punching the crap out of Sasori's puppets. Like annihilating them and I'm like YES!!! I wanna punch a boulder down that'd be so cool!

I had a feeling after she asked Tsunade that she'd become a medic ninja and become awesome but for some reason I didn't see the raw strength. AND i gotta say, I love it! She's not a wimp anymore-or not AS much (although i just KNOW it when they run into Sasuke again. What's so great about him anyways...? Things get a little too emo for me when he enters the picture). She's cool! And I'm like YEAH! So it got me wondering, as I am in an anime daze-how cool would it be to reinvent yourself?

Hulu likes playing those commercials with the Google engine and that Batman theme (which is funny), but yeah. Granted I couldn't ever punch through a boulder-a martial arts way of life isn't appealing to me but I do want to be able to bike 100miles. And I do want to possess endurance and strength like them all-not with fighting of course but more so for my art and writing. I'm working on learning Italian and since I can't seem to find any classes nearby teaching it I have to learn on my own-no small feat but interesting nonetheless.

I want to live with passion! After all that's what life is all about anyways. Reflecting back on when I had a nice state job, I just lived for the weekends and paid holidays. My school quarter shot by because of it and I couldn't enjoy creating my own characters in 3d. Or creating in general. And what frightened me was the depth of my envy towards EVERYONE else who was creative; it was a real hate that literally made me feel ill and tired all the time from suppressing my rage.

Enough of that.

I don't care what anyone says, man Naruto SHOWS you a path--that show is so amazing! Man, I want to be a creator of a manga that becomes such a kickass anime that literally brings you to tears or gets you amped about your life or passion, you know?

I'm armed with: The Artists Way of Life by Julie Cameron, Thinking like Leonardo Da Vinci by Michael J Gelb...I'm planning on finding a book on time management and goal setting and of course I'm becoming research on the Masters of art, beginning with Caravaggio (love those colors man!).

All i can say for myself now is; Buona fortuna (and I friggin' mean it). Hahahaha.

Olivia Chu

So as I was scouring the net for pictures of big swords-thanks for NICK friggin showing me what Haseo looks like, thank you very much. (sarcastic) I stumbled upon Pokemon and saw a picture of Ash and Misty kissing to which i was like WHEN WAS THIS?! See I used to be HUGE fan but then it got reeeeeal bad as the years went on. I can't remmeber when i quit watching. Probably when they introduced that new character May and i was like OKAY not bearable. Off.

Anyways it was a site full of demovitaional posters and voila! Found this and thought I was going to die laughing.
Oh! and BTW I was never a HUGE FF fan you know but OMG FFXIII and FFXIII VS LOOK soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing I'm so gonna play! NO JOKE! GOING TO PLAY.
But Nick sent me this in the morning and I'm like hmmm. The art part of me is like OMG FREAKING COOOOOL RENDER!!!--I'm positive I could do something similar with Max and mental ray--and the girl part of me is like huh. That SUUUUUUURE looks like those Japanese are saying something....
Typical. Men.
I still like it though....

Olivia Chu

Italian bad boy I swear! Actually he happens to be one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME; the way he uses his colors is soooooooo inspiring to me. In fact, there's this band I suppose u could say called, "ES Posthamus" that I fell in love with and their cover has this picture "ST Matthew and the Angel" painted by none other than Caravaggio himself. And I was wondering why I liked that painting so much! ES Posthamus, btw, is amazing! I loved the song "Elba" first then "Pompeii" then "Lepics Magna" and of course I nearly have all the songs so too many to name. But those are like the top songs i like.

I also happen to love Dragon Ash, like a soul music of Japan. I first heard the song "Garden" with Sugar Soul and Kenji from Dragon Ash and was like THIS dude has it!!! So now I have TONS of their music from "Just I'll Say" "Sunset" "Ivory" "Few Lights Till Night" "Union" EVERYTHING! Mix it with Soul'd Out "Starlight Destiny" Mix it with all of Mflo-come on "The Love Bug" "Come Again"! Heck even some Mflo and SEAMO! Throw in some Monkey Majik, "Open happiness" "Around the World" with a dash of the Yoshida Brothers "Change with Monkey Majik" "Storm T.M. remix" "Rising". A dash of The Shanghai Restoration Project "Farewall Sasha" "Miss Shanghai" Bennie K it up with "Sky"! AND top it off with all of Jay Chou "Nocturnes" "Ting mama de hua" "Simple love" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! You got the best recipe for relax inspiring songs! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE those songs and artists! No joke.

LISTEN TO THEM! THEY ARE GOOD! I'm such a fan girl too! I'd kill to see them all in concert!!!! Not literally but you all know what I mean.
Olivia Chu

I couldn't resist putting two posts at once. When I read "Sky Doll" for the first time I was instantly reminded of the story I just posted and was like whaaaa?! This got published?! So maybe I got a shot if I send it to the French hmmmm? Haha.
I absolutely love Sky Doll. And I don't actually like this type of comics either. I'm more the manga fan of course, cannot live without my daily dose of Saiyuki, only the single greatest manga to have existed (I'm fond of anything with the monkey king)-except the anime. NOOOO, terrible! Music good though.

Anyways, for those who most likely haven't read Sky Doll it's by Alessandro Barbucci (I loooove the name Alessandro btw. A.) It's Italian and I love Italian and B) It reminds me of Lars Alexandersson BEST CHARACTER CREATED for Tekken 6. Swedish THUG!) and Barbara Canepa.

Offically it's like 3 comics long and no more, which is maddening! I really don't to give too much info away about this comic-you must read it but I can say is: Cute yet sassy Sky Doll= adult toy?! Televised religion?! It's a sci fi comic more than anything?!

What makes me love this comic aside from drawing style and the coloring (I must learn to color like that too it's so cool) is that Noa, like one of the main characters and of course a sky doll is so awesome personality wise. It's hard for me to find stories where there's such a cool female protagonist because usually I run into the ones where they're too meek and don't DO anything (Omg just like how my ex-boyfriend wanted me to be. Pfft should've punched him the face for saying that but violence never solves anything longterm). OR they're too, I dunno, 'want to be like one of the guys' so it kinda like well now she's not really female because now they're trying too hard. You see, I think that females who retain a sense of who they are and are still tough at the same time are stronger to me then the ones who need to act 'hard' all the time.

There's no shame in saying that personal hygiene and good grooming habits are a must yet ready to drop a fool if they cross the line. And not by deceit either! If you don't backstab well awesomeness! Plus okay with Noa she's not a smoker or drinker either-I'm like whooo! Maybe cuz she's a doll but I have a feeling even if she weren't she'd be the same way. And it's not like shes got some kinda of moral against it; it's just like eh whats the point?

If you're wondering, nah I'm not a smoker nor drinker. I don't like cigs because A) All right check all the beauty altering stuff it can effect like from yellow nails down to hairy tongue BLECH. B) expensive habit C) An addiction
I only got a couple addictions and even then I'm trying to make them go away because addiction makes you a slave rather than becoming truly independent!

I don't drink because same thing; addiction and most importantly it all tastes really nasty to me, and I've had a couple of different kinds. I even had a mexican mudslide which is coffee plus rum and NO THANKS.

Off topic once again.
Just read Sky Doll; it's a gooooood comic.
Olivia Chu

So I was rummaging around my apartment looking for my character drawings that I did a while back to model when I ran into an old manuscript of a story I wrote years ago. And I read it and thought hmm not half bad.

It's my story with Kinky and Fever (yeah I love those names combined!). I also stuck a rough sketch of them here too-I'm trying to find a new drawing style so I'm not entirely proud of this pic. It's weird too. When I'm just drawing whatever I don't care about proportions of the fact it's lopsided or anything cuz I'm like "eh just a sketch" I MUST BREAK THAT. I'm gonna put the prelude here so you can see-I'm so proud of myself.
I dunno maybe cuz I was retyping this last night-I somehow DON'T have the word .doc but I'm thinking, "wow real emo like..where's the joy?!" Haha.


Everything is a shade of grey as the rain pours down from the sky, slicing open dark clouds with its jagged rain drops. They hiss on the burning hot asphalt where the cars endlessly screech. it's humid. Oh so humid. Stepping out of a house is like being licked by a giant wet tongue. People smell. it's a horrible stench that deodorant nor perfume can mask. It makes it worse as people entering jostling crowds, ripe with BO.
It's raining on two sides of the world.
A beautiful apartment complex lies among one side; surrounded by the leafy green of vegetation and winding concrete staircases. Fancy lamplights illuminate the paved sidewalks that lead to the inner courtyard. A fountain dwells in the middle; a fountain with two leaping fish over the palace gates. The fountain is created out of imitation jade and the water sparkles a transparent purple from the fishes' mouths. Moving right along from there lies the apartments; each door painted a wondrous shade of chestnut. They're all under a continuous roof to shelter the people from the rain.
it's all so pretty...
Except for the right side.
A few meters away lies the mouth of an alley. all the garbage cans are lined up there; their metal shells painted a vomit green with splotches of brown rust on them like cancer. Flies buzz around their garbage kingdom, unperturbed by people who would never enter that alley if they had any shred of dignity.
There was always white fluid splattered like some weird abstract painting on those greasy walls. A painting worth selling for millions.
...at least a minimum fee of a hundred bucks per service.
But who would know?
Who would know unless they themselves had entered into the alley. Had seen the way the stinging rain drummed on the rusted garbage can lids. Had seen the way the rain makes everything seem like some hazy nightmare enclosed by filthy walls. Had seen a small boy cowering, naked on the rotting ground, crying but drowned out by thunder that impatiently grumbled overhead...
Rain falling everywhere, draping another part of the world, in a silk sheet. Leaves rattle on the branches of swaying trees while trembling under the crying wind.
Another apartment complex.
A robotic sense of beauty within this place. Every unit has crystal clear sliding doors leading out to a mini backyard or balcony. Each unit having their own sort of beauty; splotches of bright red flowers or purple here and there. There's also fancy lamp lights, glowing softly with dancing moths fluttering about them. Everything is so hazy looking out the wavy windows.
Ah...but inside unit #210 is a soft white glow of a flickering computer in on e room and in another...completely dark except for the occasional flashes of lighting brightening up the place through the window. A boy cowering near his bed, hands clapped firmly over his ears, tears streaming from his eyes as he cries...
Choked by the horrid stench of filthy brick walls...
Up. Down. Up. Down.
Flashes of bright lights and a clap of thunder.
Both are crying.
Salty tears mixed with the rain...
Salty tears mixed with the carpet flooring...
Screaming together in the dark...
Olivia Chu

Omg, just got scared. My phone went off with the song Namikaze Satellite which is WEIRD because my phone is off. Turns out it was my alarm but argh it was just like yesterday when I awoke and my ipod was blaring and I thought, "GHOST!" next thing I need is the Tv turning on by itself. NO THANKS!

Anyways, thought I'd go ahead and post my character that I finished for class. He needs a lot more work--I only have a diffuse map on him but I must have to say that for a nights worth of texturing he came out pretty badass. THAT'S RIGHT! The night before my final the original textures that i was painting weren't working out-I couldn't get the silk like look for Chinese clothes nor could I find cool patterns that would work without losing so much resolution. I had two choices. Either turn him in with textures that I spent weeks on but dissatisfied or just completely revamp his style to something a little more urban since jeans are easy and good looking. Of course revamping the textures didn't allow me to have time to put a bump map on him (Maya2009 is so weird about bump and normal maps) NOR did i get to make a specular map.

Oh! Btw, the decals and such on his armor aren't actually my drawings. I found free vector packs on the net (I forgot where! Sorry!!!) by typing in like "Chinese vector art" or something like that. Although now I want to create a slew of my own vector artworks like that--it's just that Illustrator is a tough program for me. Unlike Photoshop you can't exactly slap down some color and work with it. On the plus side, I'm WAAAAY better with the pen tool than ever.

Not only that but I had to freaking commando rig this guy so I could pose him which I've never do in Max or Maya and I didn't really skin him either so there's a bit of odd deformation which I tried to keep at a minimum by trying to do a pretty simple pose.

It was so funny though, because when I finally finished lighting him well enough to take a couple of renders I realized he looked like the freaking Crow. haha I hate those movies, except for the second one. That one's decent. I gotta make a new character and tidy this one up. S'what I'm planning to do during my 3week break but I'm not sure which one I'm going to focus on first--I have a ton of other art ideas at this moment but right now I think I'm gonna fire up the gamecube and either 1. Finish 'Tales of Symphonia' (which I haven't touched in YEARS, literally) 2. Play 'Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess' (I'm stuck in that stupid City in the Sky!!!)
Olivia Chu

Okay! So guess what? Lately...(and I'm almost ashamed to admit this) I have been absolutely addicted to Naruto. Hulu is pure genius!
I am almost done with the entire Naruto series and almost ready to move to Naruto Shippuden, if that's how you spell it. Been taking me a couple months to watch it since I have school at the same time. Luckily I'm on break so I am soooooo gaming and watching Naruto and 3d modeling!

Anyways, back to Naruto...I'm totally waiting for my Gamachan wallet WHICH STILL HASNT ARRIVED and making me worried. Although I did get it on eBay and they said it could take 7-21 days to get. T_T its coming from Hong Kong.
I'm sad I can't afford the manga itself-I have a problem reading it on the computer-like I need the physical copy. I mean i have my shonen jumps still but when they took out Shaman King and put that Yu Gi OH in there I'm like No thanks.

If you haven't seen Naruto you must BUT in Japanese! I can't stress enough that his english voice will give you headaches if you don't kinda like Excel in Excel Saga. That and Gamakichi doesn't sound so badass either! I'm like whaaaaa? Absolute THUG in Japanese.

*cough* I even have the soundtrack to this show-many many awesome songs. Namikaze Satellite--YES!!!!
Why, WHY?! must I feel like a nerd and yet it feels so good...? Hahaha.
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Olivia Chu
All right! First blog post ever! And I'm super excited!
Because I no longer have my wonderful blackberry
Because I refuse to get a myspace or facebook
Because I like to talk a lot
Here is my connections to all you folks, mainly to my buddies back in my hometown who seem to be confused about the beauties of IM or EMAIL!
Honestly! Who doesn't check their email everyday?
YOU KNOW who I'm talking to! Haha.
Well allow me to adjust to this and I'll have something more interesting to say. ^_^
Ciao for now!